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About Us

We make and sell glass jewelry for piercers

Gorilla Glass is the premier brand of glass body piercing jewelry since 2002. Based in Oaxaca, Mexico we are an award-winning company, recognized by our peers in the piercing community for our innovative designs and production techniques. We make and sell glass jewelry for piercers.
All of our jewelry is hand-crafted by highly skilled glass artisans, in small production batches. We use high quality soda-lime and borosilicate glass for our raw materials. Beyond making top quality jewelry, we strive to have quick delivery times and excellent customer service.

85% of our artisans are women

Our community begins with our team at Gorilla Glass. We are committed to creating long-term employment opportunities for working mothers from the small towns near the workshop in Southern Mexico,

85% of our artisans are women, as well as all of our supervisors and administrators.

Benefits for workers include paid training to learn a skilled professional trade, full health coverage for workers and their families, paid maternity leave, free daycare near the Gorilla Glass studio, and profit sharing of 10% of the annual sales.
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The Upcycle Project

The environment is a core value at Gorilla Glass. Through upcycling, we transform waste and discarded materials into high-quality, one-of-a-kind products. This innovative and often unpredictable process fosters aesthetic freedom, celebrating variance and uniqueness rather than homogenization. Our upcycling techniques align perfectly with our passion for crafting exceptional handmade items while also reducing our environmental impact.

Association of Professional Piercing

We believe education goes hand in hand with health and safety. We are proud corporate members of the Association of Professional Piercing since 2006 and support their educational mission.

We attend their annual conference in Las Vegas every year. We also sponsor the Gorilla Glass scholarship for the Latin American Body Piercing organization (LBP). The scholarship helps bring a gifted piercer from Latin America to attend the LBP conference in Mexico.

The founder of Gorilla Glass, Jason Pfohl, has lectured on glass as a material for body piercing at conferences around the world for two decades.

Your wholesale account

If you have a piercing studio you can log in or register for a wholesale account here.

If you are looking to buy retail, check with your local body piercing studio or send us an email to and we will connect you with a retailer.